So there's something I'll like to share with y'all today. A short story of a sort. Hope you enjoy it.

  "I watched Margaret strut around with her mismatched outfit and quite colorful shoes. I call her Margaret because I am not quite sure of her name. Yes. We are not friends. But at this point, I wish that we were. So I could tell her that the shirt and trousers that clung helplessly to her body did not go together. Neither did the very bright purple tint on her hair blend with anything she was wearing. Her bag was torn in the strangest of places and quite frankly, it wasnt supposed to be seen, much less carried outside. Her lipstick was a tad bit too much and her eyebrows reminded me of the wings of an injured bird. But still, she pranced around like she owned the place. No embarrassment whatsoever. Like she was oblivious to the stares she was attracting. She practically owned the room. I say this because every eye was glued to her. Not because she was the prettiest. I look down at my manicured nails and stiletto heels. My Chanel bag perfectly in sync with the beige pantsuit I was wearing. But in that moment, I understood something. One more stare at sister Margaret confirmed my assumption. And almost immediately, I envied her. She was confident. Horrible looks or not. And that’s all that mattered. Even with my top notch outfit, I didn’t possess the kind of confidence that she displayed. I could barely talk successfully to a bunch of people I didn’t know without stuttering. But there she was. Holding the room to ransom. It is not about what you’re wearing but how you wear it. Confidence is attractive. Like make up, it enhances your personality. This, I learned in 2 minutes from sister Margaret who had no clue she was my muse."

  Yeah, we're talking about self confidence again. It's a really essential part of self discovery you can't take out. It's a part of all of us; we all have it, but not everyone has tapped into it. But the thing about self confidence is it's beauty. There's obviously going to be fear, and a lot of doubt. But that's what's attractive about it, as long as you have self confidence, you have the courage to close your eyes and face whatever challenge in front of you dead-on; notwithstanding whether you think you can do it or not.
  So let's step out of our comfort zone. Confidence isn't gonna walk up to you and take your hand or inject itself into you. You've got to get it for yourself, cause it's for you. The reason why you don't play that sport you really love is because you're not so sure, The reason why you're not out there owning the dance floor when your favourite song comes up is cause you're thinking of worst case scenarios, the reason why you don't laugh in public even though you really want to is cause you're imagining things. There's something I saw that I've gotta show you guys (but that's for later😉).
  Do something new. Do what you've always wanted to do; forget all those voices in your head, those doubts, those insecurities. Whatever is pushing negativity into your life, let it out. Stop giving excuses, just get yourself out there. After all, what's the worst that could happen?  We've all faced embarrassment before. Nobody's going to kill you because you tried to do something and it didn't go so well. And if you keep on thinking of what's gonna happen, or not happen, Trust me, you're going to be doing a lot of thinking for the rest of your life, cause something's always gonna happen.  
  There's always going to a Margaret anyway,so why don't you be the Margaret in someone's life? No, I'm not saying you shouldn't dress nice or look good, but inspire someone with your confidence today. 

   Hope today's post was enlightening. And nah, I didn't write the story; this is the extract I said I was going to post about a month ago (sorry bout that). I got it from
 Wonderful story, don't you think?. It really inspired me. Hope it inspired you too.
I actually am going try to update more often, cross my heart. I expect feedback; your thoughts on the story or a similar experience.

Till next time- Tracie...


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