
Showing posts from March, 2017


   So I've been arguing this over with someone. Is it right to gloat over yourself or you're supposed to tone it down? It's not exactly like that but, well it's like this;   If someone asks you if you're a good person, what would be your reply?    I would say yes, straight away with much conviction. But then my friend says( he's male, btw) that it's wrong to say that and I'm supposed to say "I try to be". I strongly disagree, however, because I take it as a confidence or a self-esteem boost to say and tell yourself nice things.    I believe in stuff like "Every morning look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself; I look gorgeous, I look beautiful", "Embrace yourself and don't let anyone influence how you feel about yourself", "Love yourself and don't let anyone tell you otherwise". And other positive things you need to tell yourself cause it works. At least, it worked for me. You could start this once


   *alarm rings* "Ugh, it's morning again. Another long, tiring day as usual". Amber gets up, showers, dresses up and goes to school. As usual, meets up with her friends at the door. And as they're talking, she gets this weird feeling, like somethings wrong but she can't quite put her finger on it. At the end of the school day, she meets up with her friends and, once again the weird feeling re-appears and she leaves. On her way home alone, as she's really trying to find out what's wrong, she bumps into her cousin. "Lacy!!! Hey, what's good". "I'm about to tell you something and I would really like your opinion on this". "Sure, Amber. Spill it". "So lately whenever I'm around my friends I've started getting this weird vibe, it's not like anyone of them offended me and we didn't have any arguments; but anytime I'm around them, I feel disconnected. So it's like I'm there but I'm not


    So this is my first post, all of y'all lucky enough to stumble upon this blog. This actually isn't my first blog, I had to take down the fist one because of some issues. But I hope I won't have to take this one down. I would rarely put videos or pictures here but if it's necessary, I'll totally post. I wasn't active with my first blog, but I can say I'm 80 percent sure I would post on this one regularly. I'll mostly type, as this is like a personal diary everyone can read but which concerns stuff most of us can relate to. This is mostly about my journey into SELF DISCOVERY, as this particular adult has been hammering about in my life. At first I wasn't quite interested, but then it got me thinking, 'How many of us have actually discovered ourselves? How many actually know why we act the way we do? How many of us know the reasons behind our actions?    I know a lot of people that have not discovered themselves, but who am I to judge? After al