*alarm rings* "Ugh, it's morning again. Another long, tiring day as usual". Amber gets up, showers, dresses up and goes to school. As usual, meets up with her friends at the door. And as they're talking, she gets this weird feeling, like somethings wrong but she can't quite put her finger on it. At the end of the school day, she meets up with her friends and, once again the weird feeling re-appears and she leaves. On her way home alone, as she's really trying to find out what's wrong, she bumps into her cousin. "Lacy!!! Hey, what's good". "I'm about to tell you something and I would really like your opinion on this". "Sure, Amber. Spill it". "So lately whenever I'm around my friends I've started getting this weird vibe, it's not like anyone of them offended me and we didn't have any arguments; but anytime I'm around them, I feel disconnected. So it's like I'm there but I'm not feeling it, at all. And I really don't know what's wrong, but I do not like the way I feel." 
   "Oh, Amber. I know exactly what you're talking about, but you know, these stuff happens. I've experienced it a lot of times. Some times you begin to even wonder if you should walk away from them and you start to think "Maybe their chapter in my life is over" and stuff like that. But try to calm down. You probably need some space from them for a while, it seems you're getting tired of a scheduled routine, y'know; since you see them every day. If you can't, don't exonerate yourself from them when you're together. Throw yourself into the conversation. It'll work out, you'll see."
"I'll try that. Thanks Lacy."
 "Anytime, Amber"
     There are a lot of people who at a time or the other, felt detached from our friends or even our family. But as some of us would probably have realised, it's not forever. After all, our emotions fluctuate a lot. So if you're in Amber's shoes right now, don't worry. It's going to work out, it always does. And if they're really your friends, you'll find your way back.

   And,that's all for now. I know I wrote a little longer today but it's been long. I know I said I'll try to stay committed, and I'm working on that. Next I'll be posting something on self love/ confidence. Although most of it is going to be an extract I got somewhere; but it's trust me, it's gonna be good. Remember, contributions are welcome.
  Till next time- Tracie...
NB: Dialogue: Amber- Black 


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